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Healthy Tips that Help the Environment

Healthy Tips that Help the Environment

By: Ashmar Mandou Earth Day is approaching and did you know there are hundreds of ways you can help the environment and get healthier? Aside from the obvious ways of… Read more »

Mindful Tips for Dealing with Depression

Mindful Tips for Dealing with Depression

The latest depression statistics show that 300 million people worldwide suffer from this debilitating mental illness, including 16.2 million adults in the United States. An estimated 15 percent of all… Read more »

Ways Climate Change Affects the Mental Health of Young People

Ways Climate Change Affects the Mental Health of Young People

The European Parliament’s recent ban on single-use plastic products was hailed as a positive step in the world’s battle against climate change. Yet at the same time, younger generations around the… Read more »

Los Corazones Sanos Necesitan Dos Proteínas Trabajando en Forma Conjunta

Los Corazones Sanos Necesitan Dos Proteínas Trabajando en Forma Conjunta

Dos proteínas que se unen a las hormonas del estrés trabajan juntas para mantener un corazón saludable en los ratones, de acuerdo a científicos de National Institutes of Health y… Read more »

Haga la Diferencia

Haga la Diferencia

Usa Bolsas Reutilizables Ls bolsas de plástico de la compra acaban tiradas en vertederos o en otras partes del ambiente. Estas bolsas pueden sofocar animales que se atoran en ellas… Read more »

Consejos Saludables para Mejorar el Ambiente

Consejos Saludables para Mejorar el Ambiente

Por: Ashmar Mandou Se aproxima el Día del Planeta y, ¿Sabía usted que hay cientos de formas en las que usted puede ayudar a que el ambiente sea más saludable?… Read more »

‘Tobacco 21’ Becomes Law

‘Tobacco 21’ Becomes Law

By: Ashmar Mandou Governor JB Pritzker signed the “Tobacco 21,” a statewide bill that increases the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21, making Illinois the first… Read more »

If You Think Motherhood Is Driving You Crazy – You May Be Right

If You Think Motherhood Is Driving You Crazy – You May Be Right

Even in two-parent families, it appears that the bulk of child-rearing duties still fall to one person. For all the help dads give, it is moms who take on most… Read more »

Medical Corner: A pharmacist’s advice for prescription medication adherence

Medical Corner: A pharmacist’s advice for prescription medication adherence

By: Ian Gyamfi Sarpong, Pharmacy Manager, Walgreens Medication nonadherence—when patients don’t take their medications as prescribed by their healthcare providers —is all too common, particularly among patients with chronic disease…. Read more »

Medicaid to Provide for Gender Affirming Surgery

Medicaid to Provide for Gender Affirming Surgery

Fostering healthcare equity and inclusion, the state’s Medicaid program will begin covering gender affirming surgeries for members under new policies being established, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services… Read more »