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Enfermedad Intestinal Vinculada a Albahaca Fresca Importada
FDA y CDC están investigando un brote dela enfermedad ciclospora vinculada a albahaca fresca importada de México. El brote en 11 estados está vinculado a 205 enfermedades, incluyendo cinco hospitalizaciones…. Read more
Number of Hospitalizations Potentially Tied to Vaping Increases
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has received reports of six young people experiencing severe breathing problems after vaping, and is investigating five more individuals. These individuals experienced respiratory… Read more
Why Stress and Anxiety Aren’t Always Bad
People generally think of stress and anxiety as negative concepts, but while both stress and anxiety can reach unhealthy levels, psychologists have long known that both are unavoidable — and… Read more
Flavonoid-Rich Diet Protects Against Cancer and Heart Disease, Study Finds
Consuming flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects against cancer and heart disease, particularly for smokers and heavy drinkers, according to new research from Edith Cowan University (ECU). Researchers… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation Strengthening Illinois’ Medical Cannabis Program
Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation strengthening Illinois’ medical cannabis program, which provides relief to more than 80,000 patients across the state. “This legislation brings our medical cannabis program in line… Read more
Aquino to Host Health Fair
State Senator Omar Aquino and Alderman Gilbert Villegas will host an All Kids and Family Health Fair on Friday, Aug. 16th at 10a.m. to 2p.m. at North Grand High School,… Read more
Número de Hospitalizaciones Potencialmente Vinculadas al Aumento del Vapeo
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Ilinois (IDPH) ha recibido reportes de seis jóvenes que experimentaron graves problemas de respiración después de vapear y está investigando a cinco más personas…. Read more
Porqué el Estrés y la Ansiedad no Siempre son Malos
La gente generalmente consideran el estrés y la ansiedad como conceptos negativos, pero aunque tanto el estrés como la ansiedad pueden alcanzar niveles insalubres, los psicólogos han sabido hace mucho… Read more
Estudio Descubre que la Dieta Rica en Flavonoides Protege Contra el Cáncer y las Enfermedades del Corazón
Consumir alimentos ricos en flavonoides, como manzanas y té, protege contra el cáncer y las enfermedades cardíacas, particularmente a los fumadores y grandes bebedores, de acuerdo a nuevas investigaciones de… Read more
Feria de Salud de Aquino
El Senador Estatal Omar Aquino y el Concejal Gilbert Villegas ofrecerán la feria ‘All Kids and Family Health Fair en North Grand High School, 4338 W. Wabansia Ave., el viernes,… Read more