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Salud Dental y la Epidemia de Opiodes

Salud Dental y la Epidemia de Opiodes

Por el Dr. Ted Wong, Funcionario Dental en Jefe de UnitedHealthcare Editado por Lawndale Bilingual News La epidemia de opiodes está afectando innumerables vidas y comunidades en el país, incluyendo… Read more »

El Gobernador Pritzker Usa la Acción Ejecutiva para Fortalecer el Compromiso Estatal de Terminar con la Epidemia de VIH

El Gobernador Pritzker Usa la Acción Ejecutiva para Fortalecer el Compromiso Estatal de Terminar con la Epidemia de VIH

Rodeado de Proveedores de salud y abogados de la prevención del VIH en el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Winnebago, el Gobernador JB Pritzker utilizó la acción ejecutiva para… Read more »

Vitamin D Could Lower Risk of Developing Diabetes

Vitamin D Could Lower Risk of Developing Diabetes

The benefits of vitamin D in promoting bone health are already well known. A new study out of Brazil suggests that vitamin D also may promote greater insulin sensitivity, thus… Read more »

Poor Sleep at Night, More Pain Next Day

Poor Sleep at Night, More Pain Next Day

After one night of inadequate sleep, brain activity ramps up in pain-sensing regions while activity is scaled back in areas responsible for modulating how we perceive painful stimuli. This finding,… Read more »

Take Extra Precautions as Temperatures Drop This Week

Take Extra Precautions as Temperatures Drop This Week

Historically low temperatures are forecast this week and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wants individuals and families to be safe when faced with the hazards of severely cold weather…. Read more »

Ways Your Smile Improves Your Life – And The Lives Around You

Ways Your Smile Improves Your Life – And The Lives Around You

Many people go to the dentist not just because they want good oral health, but also because having a great smile is a good confidence booster and makes them more… Read more »

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Offers Winter Weather Safety Tips

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Offers Winter Weather Safety Tips

As a polar vortex brings dangerously low temperatures, frigid wind-chill levels, and snowfall to states across the country over the coming days, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is reminding… Read more »

La Vitamina D Podría Bajar el Riesgo de Desarrollar Diabetes

La Vitamina D Podría Bajar el Riesgo de Desarrollar Diabetes

Los beneficios de la vitamina D en promover la salud de los huesos ya es muy conocida. Un nuevo estudio de Brasil, sugiere que la vitamina D también puede promover… Read more »

La Fundación de Alzheimer’s Ofrece Recomendaciones de Seguridad para el Tiempo de Invierno

La Fundación de Alzheimer’s Ofrece Recomendaciones de Seguridad para el Tiempo de Invierno

Ya que el vórtice polar trae temperaturas peligrosamente bajas, niveles de viento helado frígico y nieve a varios estados del país en los próximos días, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA)… Read more »

Sinai Health System Offers Free Counseling Services for Government Workers

Sinai Health System Offers Free Counseling Services for Government Workers

Sinai Health System is offering free stress/behavioral counseling services to federal government employees affected by the ongoing government shutdown. Sinai is also encouraging federal workers seeking a productive way to… Read more »