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SNAP Benefits Will Continue through February During Federal Shutdown

SNAP Benefits Will Continue through February During Federal Shutdown

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) announced that February Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will be funded through the end of February, but they will be issued to… Read more »

More in U.S. Dying from Opioids Than on the Roads

More in U.S. Dying from Opioids Than on the Roads

For the first time in history, Americans’ risk of dying from an opioid overdose is higher than their risk of dying in a car accident, the National Safety Council reported… Read more »

Mayor Emanuel Announces Chicago Hits Historic Low Teen Birthrate

Mayor Emanuel Announces Chicago Hits Historic Low Teen Birthrate

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced teen births have reached a new historic low in Chicago. In 2016, the most recent year for which data are available, there… Read more »

Erie House Receives Grant from Healthy Communities Foundation

Erie House Receives Grant from Healthy Communities Foundation

A $75,000 grant from the Healthy Communities Foundation (HCF) will strengthen Erie Neighborhood House’s efforts to create access to free counseling and mental health services for people living on the… Read more »

CDC: U.S. Flu Cases Hit Seven Million Mark

CDC: U.S. Flu Cases Hit Seven Million Mark

The flu season is picking up steam, with about seven million Americans having been struck by a strain of the flu virus, health officials said Friday. Almost half of those… Read more »

El alcalde Emanuel anuncia que Chicago alcanza su histórico índice más bajo de natalidad entre adolescentes

El alcalde Emanuel anuncia que Chicago alcanza su histórico índice más bajo de natalidad entre adolescentes

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que los nacimientos de adolescentes han alcanzado un nuevo nivel histórico en Chicago. En 2016, el… Read more »

Erie House recibe una subvención de la Fundación de Comunidades Saludables

Erie House recibe una subvención de la Fundación de Comunidades Saludables

Una subvención de $ 75,000 de la Fundación de Comunidades Saludables (HCF, por sus siglas en inglés) reforzará los esfuerzos de Erie Neighborhood House para crear acceso a asesoramiento gratuito… Read more »

NHC Chicago AmeriCorps Program Seeks Applicants

NHC Chicago AmeriCorps Program Seeks Applicants

Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago (PHIMC) seeks applications from organizations interested in hosting a National Health Corps (NHC) Chicago AmeriCorps member during the 2019-2020 service term. NHC Chicago, an… Read more »

Key Health Exams Millennials Should Have in 2019

Key Health Exams Millennials Should Have in 2019

With more and more millennials skipping out on annual health exams in favor of a quick as needed, visit to an urgent care facility, doctors fear the largest generation in… Read more »

How Today’s High School Cliques Compare to Yesterday’s

How Today’s High School Cliques Compare to Yesterday’s

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin, have found that while many high school peer crowds and influences… Read more »