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Five Myths About the Flu

Five Myths About the Flu

By Dr. Julie Daftari, Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare of Illinois Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News Winter weather has arrived, and so has the annual flu season. While flu – or… Read more »

CDPH Announces Historic Decline in New HIV Diagnoses

CDPH Announces Historic Decline in New HIV Diagnoses

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), on World AIDS Day, celebrates that HIV diagnoses in Chicago hit a new record low after five consecutive years of declines. CDPH’s 2017… Read more »

Ways to Boost Energy Without an Energy Drink

Ways to Boost Energy Without an Energy Drink

By: Dr. Niket Sonpal NYC Internist and Gastroenterologist After seeing the news about a research study out of the University of Texas Health Center in Houston, which found the diameter… Read more »

Body Imbalance Is the Tipping Point for Many Orthopedic Problems

Body Imbalance Is the Tipping Point for Many Orthopedic Problems

By: Dr. Victor Romano We have all lost our balance – slipping on ice, getting knocked down in a sport, tripping over a toy, or perhaps from feeling dizzy. But… Read more »

Advocate Aurora Health to Increase Minimum Wage

Advocate Aurora Health to Increase Minimum Wage

Courtesy of Advocate Aurora Health Our purpose is to help people live well and that begins with our own team members. To that end, I’m pleased to share the news… Read more »

Cinco Mitos Sobre la Influenza

Cinco Mitos Sobre la Influenza

Por la Dra. Julie Daftari, Funcionaria Médica en Jefe de UnitedHealthcare of Illinois Editado por Lawndale Billingual News El invierno ha llegado y con él la temporada anual de la… Read more »

CDPH anuncia un declive histórico en nuevos diagnósticos de VIH

CDPH anuncia un declive histórico en nuevos diagnósticos de VIH

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) en el Día Mundial del SIDA, celebra que el diagnóstico de VIH en Chicago alcanzó un nuevo récord bajo después de cinco… Read more »

Otra Forma de Aumentar la Energía sin una Bebida Energética

Otra Forma de Aumentar la Energía sin una Bebida Energética

Por Dr. Niket Sonpal NYC Internista y Gastroenterólogo Después de ver las noticias sobre un estudio de investigación de University of Texas Health Center en Houston, que encontró que el… Read more »

Advocate Aurora Health Aumenta el Salario Mínimo

Advocate Aurora Health Aumenta el Salario Mínimo

Cortesía de Advocate Aurora Health Nuestro propósito es ayudar a la gente a vivir bien y eso comienza con los miembros de nuestro propio equipo. Con ese fin, me complazco… Read more »

FDA Addresses Increase Use of E-Cigs Among Youth

FDA Addresses Increase Use of E-Cigs Among Youth

With new findings revealing that e-cigarette use has increased from 1.5 million to more than 3.6 million young people within the last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has… Read more »