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Cook County Health Doctors Advise on Snow Shoveling Health Risks

Cook County Health Doctors Advise on Snow Shoveling Health Risks

This weekend’s snowstorm stands as one of the greatest November storms, accumulating more than a foot of snow in Cook County. On days when it snows heavily, emergency rooms can… Read more »

Protect People with Peanut Allergies

Protect People with Peanut Allergies

There are no treatment options approved for peanut allergy, which is commonly found in American children. But new findings presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)… Read more »

Lack of Sleep Intensifies Anger

Lack of Sleep Intensifies Anger

Losing just a couple hours of sleep at night makes you angrier, especially in frustrating situations, according to new Iowa State University research. While the results may seem intuitive, the… Read more »

Number of College Students Seeking Help for Mental Health Troubles Increases

Number of College Students Seeking Help for Mental Health Troubles Increases

Nearly 26 percent of people 18 years and older are living with a mental health condition in the United States. Now, recent study findings published in the Journal of American… Read more »

FDA Atiende el Aumento del Uso de E-Cigs Entre los Jóvenes

FDA Atiende el Aumento del Uso de E-Cigs Entre los Jóvenes

Con nuevos hallazgos revelando que el uso del cigarrillo electrónico aumentó, de 1.5 millones a más de 3.6 millones entre los jóvenes el año pasado, El comisionado de La Administración… Read more »

Proteja a la Gente con Alergia al Maní

Proteja a la Gente con Alergia al Maní

No hay opciones de tratamiento aprobado para la alergia contra el maní o cacahuate, que se da comunmente en los niños estadounidenses. Pero nuevos hallazgos presentados en la Junta Científica… Read more »

La Falta de Sueño Intensifica el Enojo

La Falta de Sueño Intensifica el Enojo

Perder un par de horas de sueño por las noches lo vuelve más enojón, especialmaente en situaciones frustrantes, de acuerdo a una nueva investigación de Iowa State University. Aunque los… Read more »

Aumenta el Número de Estudiantes Universitarios que Busca Ayuda Por Problemas de Salud Mental

Aumenta el Número de Estudiantes Universitarios que Busca Ayuda Por Problemas de Salud Mental

Cerca del 26 por ciento de personas de 18 años y mayores, viven con una condición de salud mental en Estados Unidos. Ahora, un estudio reciente publicado en Journal of… Read more »

Apple Watch Now Part of UnitedHealthcare Wearable Device Program

Apple Watch Now Part of UnitedHealthcare Wearable Device Program

Apple Watch is now part of UnitedHealthcare Motion, a national wearable device program that encourages current participants to achieve nearly 12,000 steps per day – more than double the number… Read more »

Staying Sober During the Holidays Is a Struggle for Many

Staying Sober During the Holidays Is a Struggle for Many

Almost half of Americans say that they binge-drink over the holiday season, often with disastrous results. One survey found that 25 percent of people say that they drank enough at… Read more »