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Prescribed an opioid? Ask your doctor (or dentist) these questions

Prescribed an opioid? Ask your doctor (or dentist) these questions

By Dr. Sam Ho, chief medical officer, UnitedHealthcare If your doctor or dentist prescribes a pain reliever, take charge of your health and find out exactly what you are getting…. Read more »

Skip the Guilt: Red Wine Could Protect Your Oral Health

Skip the Guilt: Red Wine Could Protect Your Oral Health

Some of us love to savor a glass of red wine — or two — with dinner every once in a while. The catch is that this velvety drink often… Read more »

Summit for Clinical Excellence to Convene in Chicago

Summit for Clinical Excellence to Convene in Chicago

The Summit for Clinical Excellence will hold a conference entitled Freud Meets Buddha on March 7-10 at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North in Chicago. The conference is… Read more »

Increase in Hepatitis A Among Men Who Have Sex with Men

Increase in Hepatitis A Among Men Who Have Sex with Men

In 2017, 33 total cases of hepatitis A (HAV) were confirmed. Fifteen HAV cases were confirmed among men who have sex with men (MSM), 58 percent of male cases, compared… Read more »

Las Mujeres que Limpian en Casa y Hacen Trabajo de Limpieza en el Trabajo Enfrentan Desgaste Pulmonar

Las Mujeres que Limpian en Casa y Hacen Trabajo de Limpieza en el Trabajo Enfrentan Desgaste Pulmonar

Las mujeres que trabajan haciendo la limpieza o regularmente utilizan sprays de limpieza u otros productos de limpieza en la casa, parecen experimentar una mayor disminución de la función pulmonar… Read more »

¿Le Recetaron un opioide? Haga estas preguntas a su doctor (o dentista)

¿Le Recetaron un opioide? Haga estas preguntas a su doctor (o dentista)

Por el Dr. Sam Ho, funcionario médico en jefe de UnitedHealthcare Si su doctor o dentista le receta un analgésico, cuide su salud y sepa exactamente lo que le están… Read more »

Reunión Cumbre pro Excelencia Clínica en Chicago

Reunión Cumbre pro Excelencia Clínica en Chicago

La Reunión Cumbre pro Excelencia Clínica tendrá una conferencia titulada Freud Conoce a Buddha, del 7 al 10 de marzo, en Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North en Chicago…. Read more »

Teens Post Online Content to Appear Interesting, Popular and Attractive

Teens Post Online Content to Appear Interesting, Popular and Attractive

Teens work very hard to create a favorable online image through careful selection of which photos, activities and links to post on Facebook and Instagram, according to a recent study… Read more »

Restoring Memory Creation in Older or Damaged Brains

Restoring Memory Creation in Older or Damaged Brains

Aging or impaired brains can once again form lasting memories if an enzyme that applies the brakes too hard on a key gene is lifted, according to University of California,… Read more »

Pets Benefit Our Mental Health

Pets Benefit Our Mental Health

A new meta-analysis of 17 academic papers finds evidence that having a pet benefits people with mental health problems. The research also reviews the pet owners’ testimonials, laying out the… Read more »