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Howard Brown Health Expands Sexual Health Services at its 63rd Street Location

Howard Brown Health Expands Sexual Health Services at its 63rd Street Location

Howard Brown Health has expanded the scope of services offered at its neighborhood clinic in Englewood to include walk-in screening and treatment for sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted… Read more »

Ways to Love your Brain

Ways to Love your Brain

Growing evidence indicates that people in Illinois can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting a few key lifestyle habits. In honor of Valentine’s Day, the national day of… Read more »

Rincón Médico: La Salud del Corazón

Rincón Médico: La Salud del Corazón

Por: Ashmar Mandou En febrero no solo celebramos el Día de San Valentín, sino que celebramos también el Mes Nacional del Corazón para elevar la concientización entre la población de… Read more »

Aprueba el Comité la Medida de Harmon Dando una Alternativa a los Opioides

Aprueba el Comité la Medida de Harmon Dando una Alternativa a los Opioides

Una legislación que da a los pacientes acceso a alternativas médicas a analgésicos con receta fue aprobada por el Comité Ejecutivo del Senado. El Senador Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) Introdujo… Read more »

Summer food program needs sponsors to fill gaps in access to healthy meals

Summer food program needs sponsors to fill gaps in access to healthy meals

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) needs additional sponsors to help fill gaps in access to healthy meals. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) administers the federally funded program… Read more »

Innovative Model Decreases Hospital-Acquired Infections at Saint Anthony

Innovative Model Decreases Hospital-Acquired Infections at Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Hospital has been awarded for its commitment to patient safety and quality with the Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) Innovation Challenge: Partners in Progress Award from IHA’s… Read more »

Heart Disease Healthy Habits

Heart Disease Healthy Habits

You want to make better food choices in favor of lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. It’s going to take some time to make the shift. There are apps for… Read more »

Reasons People Fear The Dentist – And Why They Shouldn’t

Reasons People Fear The Dentist – And Why They Shouldn’t

A dental appointment still provokes fear in many people. In fact, that fear leads millions of Americans to avoid the dentist – despite the potentially serious consequences that delayed action… Read more »

Labor of Love: Caring for a Partner with Alzheimer’s

Labor of Love: Caring for a Partner with Alzheimer’s

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it can be a particularly sentimental time for the 220,000 people living with Alzheimer’s in Illinois and their partners, especially as they adjust to dual roles… Read more »

El Programa de Comida de Verano Necesita Patrocinadores para Llenar Brechas de Acceso a Comidas Saludables

El Programa de Comida de Verano Necesita Patrocinadores para Llenar Brechas de Acceso a Comidas Saludables

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) necesita patrocinadores adicionales para ayudar a llenar brechas de acceso a alimentos saludables. La Junta de Educación del Estado de Illinois (ISBE) administra el programa… Read more »