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How Blueberries Help to Kill Cancer Cells

How Blueberries Help to Kill Cancer Cells

Blueberries are sometimes branded a “superfood,” and for good reason; they are packed full of antioxidants that offer a wealth of health benefits. Now, a new study has uncovered another… Read more »

Alzheimer’s: ‘Triple-action’ diabetes drug shows promise as treatment

Alzheimer’s: ‘Triple-action’ diabetes drug shows promise as treatment

In a new paper published in the journal Brain Research, the researchers explain how the “triple-action” drug resulted in a significant reversal of memory loss in mice that were genetically… Read more »

Young Gardeners Eat More Greens in First Year at College

Young Gardeners Eat More Greens in First Year at College

First-year college students who have gardening experience eat more fruits and vegetables while they’re away at school compared with peers who don’t have green thumbs, U.S. researchers say. The more… Read more »

Excessive Video Gaming to be Named Mental Disorder by WHO

Excessive Video Gaming to be Named Mental Disorder by WHO

The World Health Organization is adding an unexpected to its list of mental health conditions in 2018. Next year, people who play an excessive amount of video games could find… Read more »

Smartphone Addiction Creates Imbalance in Brain, Study Suggests

Smartphone Addiction Creates Imbalance in Brain, Study Suggests

Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological… Read more »

Pot-smoking on the Rise Among U.S. Pregnant Women

Pot-smoking on the Rise Among U.S. Pregnant Women

A growing number of pregnant women are using marijuana, and the habit is expanding fastest among teens and young adults, a U.S. study suggests. Among teen mothers under age 18,… Read more »

Diet is the Key to Kids’ Health and Happiness

Diet is the Key to Kids’ Health and Happiness

A new analysis finds that children who eat healthfully are more likely to be happy, and those who are happy are more likely to eat healthfully. Interestingly, these links were… Read more »

La Dieta es la Clave de la Salud y Felicidad de los Niños

La Dieta es la Clave de la Salud y Felicidad de los Niños

Un nuevo análisis encuentra que los niños que comen saludablemente es tienen más probabilidades de estar felices y los que están felices es más probable que estén comiendo saludablemente. Lo… Read more »

Aumenta la Inhalación de Mariguana Entre Mujeres Embarazadas de E.U.

Aumenta la Inhalación de Mariguana Entre Mujeres Embarazadas de E.U.

Un creciente número de mujeres embarazadas está usando mariguana y el hábito se está extendiendo con más rapidez entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes de E.U., sugiere un estudio. Entre las… Read more »

Los Jóvenes Jardineros Comen Más Frutas y Verduras en el Primer Año de Universidad

Los Jóvenes Jardineros Comen Más Frutas y Verduras en el Primer Año de Universidad

Los estudiantes de primer año de universidad que tienen experiencia de jardinería, comen más frutas y ferduras mientras están en la escuela, comparado con sus compañeros que no tienen esta… Read more »