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Norwegian American Hospital Brings Care-A-Van to Children in Need

Norwegian American Hospital Brings Care-A-Van to Children in Need

By: Ashmar Mandou Underserved children from Chicago’s Humboldt Park area were the recipients of the most advanced mobile health care following the unveiling on Thursday of a new pediatric mobile… Read more »

Pain drugs in pregnancy tied to ADHD

Pain drugs in pregnancy tied to ADHD

Women who use a lot of the common pain reliever acetaminophen during pregnancy may be more likely to have children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than those who don’t… Read more »

Fuerte Aumento de Autolesiones en Jovencitas

Fuerte Aumento de Autolesiones en Jovencitas

Las reportes de autolesiones subieron cerca de un 70 por ciento entre jóvencitas adolescentes entre el 2011 y el 2014, y esto sugiere una necesidad urgente de intervenciones dirigidas a… Read more »

El Hospital Norwegian American Lleva la Unidad ‘Care-A-Van’ a los Niños Necesitados

El Hospital Norwegian American Lleva la Unidad ‘Care-A-Van’ a los Niños Necesitados

Por: Ashmar Mandou Los niños de bajos recursos del área de Humboldt Park de Chicago fueron los recipientes de la más avanzada unidad móvil de salud, tras la develación, el… Read more »

St. Anthony Calificado el Mejor Hospital de la Ciudad de Chicago por Amino

St. Anthony Calificado el Mejor Hospital de la Ciudad de Chicago por Amino

En un nuevo reporte publicado por Amino, compañía de transparencia en cuidado de salud, el Hospital St. Anthony fue calificado como el hospital ‘Best Value’ [Mejor] de la ciudad de… Read more »

Illinois Hospital Rankings

Illinois Hospital Rankings

Illinois hospitals rank 26th nationwide when it comes to avoiding medical errors, injuries and infections, a new report released Tuesday finds. Some 2,630 hospitals across 50 states were assigned letter… Read more »

Opioid Deadly Overdoses Topped 60,000 Last Year

Opioid Deadly Overdoses Topped 60,000 Last Year

More than 60,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year, and synthetic opioids played a larger role than ever, CNBC reported. Deaths from those extremely strong drugs, like fentanyl, increased… Read more »

DOI Announces Improved Shopping Experience for 2018 Open Enrollment

DOI Announces Improved Shopping Experience for 2018 Open Enrollment

The Illinois Department of Insurance (DOI) is improving the shopping experience for people who are looking to purchase a healthcare plan for 2018. Thanks to a new partnership with GoHealth,… Read more »

Daydreaming Is Good For You

Daydreaming Is Good For You

A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that daydreaming during meetings isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It might be a sign that you’re really smart and creative…. Read more »

AMA Releases New Research on Physicians’ Patient Mix

AMA Releases New Research on Physicians’ Patient Mix

Patients without health insurance were a slimmer percentage of physicians’ total patient mix by health insurance status in 2016 compared to 2012, according to new research from the American Medical… Read more »