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Organizaciones de Salud se Asocian para Ayudar en Misión Médica a Puerto Rico

Organizaciones de Salud se Asocian para Ayudar en Misión Médica a Puerto Rico

En respuesta a la devastación causada por el Huracán María, que azotó Puerto Rico como el huracán más fuerte que haya azotado la Isla de E.U. en cerca de 100… Read more »

Los Mejores Trucos y Golosinas para  un Delicioso Halloween

Los Mejores Trucos y Golosinas para un Delicioso Halloween

La mayoría de pequeños monstruos regresarán a casa con un almacén de dulces después del ‘trick-or-treat’ por lo que no es de sorprender que cerca de 1 de cada 5… Read more »

Chicago Women Claim Victory and Relief at Rauner Signing of HB40

Chicago Women Claim Victory and Relief at Rauner Signing of HB40

With a sense of relief and elation, Chicago Women Take Action, thanked Governor Rauner for listening to the voices of women and signing HB40, the bill that protects women’s access… Read more »

One in Three Seniors Take Sleep Aids, Despite Dangers

One in Three Seniors Take Sleep Aids, Despite Dangers

One-third of older Americans take something to help them sleep, but most don’t discuss their sleep problems with a doctor, a new survey finds. “Although sleep problems can happen at… Read more »

Loretto Hospital to Offer Free Health Screenings

Loretto Hospital to Offer Free Health Screenings

Loretto Hospital, in partnership with the West Side Men and Austin Weekly News, will host the West Side Annual Men’s Health Fair on Saturday, Sept. 30th from 10a.m., to 2p.m.,… Read more »

National Honey Month

National Honey Month

Did you know that September is National Honey Month? With the chemistry of collecting nectar, pollen, and resins from flowers, bees make the sweet elixir known as honey. Pure, raw… Read more »

City to Welcome New Outcome Health Tower

City to Welcome New Outcome Health Tower

Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined Outcome Health to announce the Chicago-based company is planning to add 2,000 new employees, helping drive the city’s emergence as a national hub for the health-tech… Read more »

Report: One in five teens report having had a concussion in their lifetime

Report: One in five teens report having had a concussion in their lifetime

A new University of Michigan study confirms what many hospital emergency rooms nationwide are seeing: teens playing contact sports suffer from concussions. In fact, one out of five teens reported… Read more »

Mes Nacional de la Miel

Mes Nacional de la Miel

¿Sabía usted que septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Miel? Con la química de colectar el néctar, el polen y las resinas de las flores, las abejas hacen el… Read more »

Uno de Cada Tres Adultos Mayores Toma Pastillas para Dormir, a Pesar de los Peligros

Uno de Cada Tres Adultos Mayores Toma Pastillas para Dormir, a Pesar de los Peligros

Uno de cada tres estadounidenses mayores toma algo que les ayude a dormir, pero la mayoría no discute sus problemas de sueño con un doctor, descubre un nuevo estudio. “Aunque… Read more »