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Beneficios Saludables de la Gelatina

Beneficios Saludables de la Gelatina

Cuando álguien piensa en alimentos saludables, la gelatina tal vez no sea en lo primero que pensamos. Pero la gelatina es más que un bocadillo o un alimento de hospital…. Read more »

Esperanza Health Centers Receives Top Recognition as Health Center in the Country

Esperanza Health Centers Receives Top Recognition as Health Center in the Country

Esperanza Health Centers Chicago’s southwest side is home of the highest quality primary care in the country, according to recently released data from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)…. Read more »

American Red Cross Will “Sound the Alarm” to Save Lives

American Red Cross Will “Sound the Alarm” to Save Lives

The Chicago & Northern Illinois Red Cross is looking for volunteers to help install 2,000 free smoke alarms as part of a national target of 100,000 in just three weeks…. Read more »

Major Link Between Low Levels of Vitamin D, Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Major Link Between Low Levels of Vitamin D, Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Courtesy of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern Medicine research showed deficient vitamin D blood levels in men can predict aggressive prostate cancer identified at the time of surgery…. Read more »

Fleas Carrying Plague Found in Arizona

Fleas Carrying Plague Found in Arizona

A second Arizona county in two weeks has confirmed that fleas in the area tested positive for plague. The announcement by Navajo county Public Health officials on Friday comes one… Read more »

“La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos”

“La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos”

By: Ashmar Mandou President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health Jane Delgado, PhD, M.S., penned her latest book, “La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos” to provide Latinos with… Read more »

Study Suggests Possible Link Between Urban Lighting and Breast Cancer

Study Suggests Possible Link Between Urban Lighting and Breast Cancer

New research reveals an unexpected potential risk factor for breast cancer: city lights. The Harvard Medical School study found an association between living in areas with high amounts of ambient… Read more »

“La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos”

“La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos”

Por: Ashmar Mandou La Presidente y CEO de National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Jane Delgado, PhD, M.S., escribió su último libro, “La Nueva Dieta Sin Trucos” para ofrecer a los… Read more »

La Cruz Roja Estadounidense “Sonará la Alarma” para Salvar Vidas

La Cruz Roja Estadounidense “Sonará la Alarma” para Salvar Vidas

La Cruz Roja de Chicago & el Norte de Illinois busca voluntarios para ayudar a instalar 2,000 alarmas contra incendios gratis, como parte de un blanco nacional de 100,000 en… Read more »

Importante Relación Entre Bajos Niveles de Vitamina D y el Cáncer de Próstata Agresivo

Importante Relación Entre Bajos Niveles de Vitamina D y el Cáncer de Próstata Agresivo

Cortesía de la Escuela de Medicina de Northwestern University Feinberg Una investigación de Northwestern Medicine mostró que niveles deficientes de vitamina D en la sangre pueden predecir un cáncer de… Read more »