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El Ocupado Programa de Regreso a la Escuela Exige Comidas Familiares Sencillas

El Ocupado Programa de Regreso a la Escuela Exige Comidas Familiares Sencillas

Nutrition Journal reporta que los estadounidenses han cambiado su forma de comer y cocinan menos en casa. Con el ocupado programa de regreso a la escuela, muchos padres encuentran difícil… Read more »

Take Care of Your Health with Don Francisco

Take Care of Your Health with Don Francisco

By: Ashmar Mandou According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 29 million Americans and an estimated 415 million people worldwide have diabetes, and nearly 28 percent of Americans with… Read more »

Blood Supplies Reach Dangerously Low Levels Coast-to-Coast

Blood Supplies Reach Dangerously Low Levels Coast-to-Coast

Blood supplies across the country remain at dangerously low levels after a severe decline in blood donations leading up to and following the July 4th holiday. In an effort to… Read more »

What To Do If You Get a Tick Bite

What To Do If You Get a Tick Bite

Just found a tick on your skin? Don’t panic. It usually takes about 36 hours for it to adhere, feed, and transfer the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Meaning: If… Read more »

Hay Más Adelante Visits Chicago

Hay Más Adelante Visits Chicago

Hay Más Adelante, a series of health educational events, is visiting Chicago to help Hispanic seniors and other beneficiaries learn more about Medicare and their health care coverage options through… Read more »

Susan G. Komen Chicago Aims to Cut Breast Cancer Deaths by 2026

Susan G. Komen Chicago Aims to Cut Breast Cancer Deaths by 2026

Susan G. Komen Chicago has set a big, bold goal of helping reduce breast cancer deaths by 50 percent in the U.S. by 2026. In an effort to reach this… Read more »

Loretto Hospital Launches News Telestroke Service

Loretto Hospital Launches News Telestroke Service

Loretto Hospital launched its new Telestroke Program to provide immediate treatment to stroke victims in the Austin and surrounding communities. The program, which officially launched on June 13th, will provide… Read more »

Que Hacer si le Pica una Garrapata

Que Hacer si le Pica una Garrapata

¿Encontró una garrapata en su piel? No se asuste. usualmente le toma 36 horas adherirse, alimentarse y transferir la bacteria que causa la enfermedad de Lyme. Lo que quiere decir:… Read more »

Cuide su Salud con Don Francisco

Cuide su Salud con Don Francisco

Por: Ashmar Mandou De acuerdo a los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades, aproximadamente 29 millones de estadounidenses y aproximadamente 415 millones de personas a nivel mundial tienen diabetes y… Read more »

Susan G. Komen Chicago Espera Reducir las Muertes por Cáncer de Mama para el 2026

Susan G. Komen Chicago Espera Reducir las Muertes por Cáncer de Mama para el 2026

Susan G. Komen Chicago se ha fijado la gran meta de ayudar a reducir las muertes por cáncer de mama en un 50 por ciento en E.U. para el 2026…. Read more »