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Tom Cullerton Lucha por Garantizar que las Compañías de Seguro Cubren los Costos de Cuidado de Salud Infantil

Tom Cullerton Lucha por Garantizar que las Compañías de Seguro Cubren los Costos de Cuidado de Salud Infantil

Puede ser que a los niños pronto no les sea negado el tratamiento para la enfermedad PANDAS, en parte gracias al Senador Demócrata Estatal de Villa Park, Tom Cullerton. La… Read more »

Beneficios Saludables del Chocolate

Beneficios Saludables del Chocolate

Aunque los llamados “chocohólicos” pueden haber adquirido una mala reputación con el tiempo, un nuevo estudio ha encontrado que comer una pequeña cantidad de chocolate todas las semanas o así,… Read more »

Junio es el Mes Nacional de la Sonrisa

Junio es el Mes Nacional de la Sonrisa

Junio es el Mes Nacional de la Sonrisa y un nuevo estudio de Delta Dental of Illinois encuentra más razones para luchar por sonrisas saludables. Cerca de tres cuartas partes… Read more »

Constituents Protest TrumpCare in Chicago with Rally and Mobile Billboard

Constituents Protest TrumpCare in Chicago with Rally and Mobile Billboard

Chicago is the last stop in a series of rallies across Illinois to save the ACA. The events are complete with mobile billboards that include facts about how TrumpCare would… Read more »

Reach Your Fitness Goals

Reach Your Fitness Goals

In the quest to get in shape, you may spend tons of hours at the gym, but if you don’t eat properly it’s possible that your workout routine won’t be… Read more »

Conference Tackles Health Concerns for Incarcerated Populations

Conference Tackles Health Concerns for Incarcerated Populations

On June 15th, Illinois Reentry Conference: Health Equity and Social Justice kicked off two days of speakers, panels, and workshops with an opening reception and keynote address by Nneka Jones… Read more »

Erie Teen Center Reopens

Erie Teen Center Reopens

By: Ashmar Mandou Health advocates, patients, staff, and representatives of the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation, Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation, and community members gathered in the newly renovated lobby of Erie… Read more »

Tips for Parents to Help Kids Beat the Heat During this Sizzling Summer

Tips for Parents to Help Kids Beat the Heat During this Sizzling Summer

Courtesy of UnitedHealthcare of Illinois Summertime is here which means kids are out of school and temperatures are rising. That combination has Dr. Kwame Foucher reminding parents about the signs… Read more »

AMA Adopts New Policy to Ensure Physicians, Medical Students are Trained to Prevent, Manage Obesity

AMA Adopts New Policy to Ensure Physicians, Medical Students are Trained to Prevent, Manage Obesity

Recognizing that obesity remains a primary health concern impacting an increasing number of Americans, the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted policy that will equip more medical students and physicians to… Read more »

Alcance sus Metas de Acondicionamiento Físico

Alcance sus Metas de Acondicionamiento Físico

En la búsqueda de ponerse en forma, usted puede gastar miles de horas en el gimnasio, pero si no come apropiadamente es posible que su rutina de ejercicios no sea… Read more »