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Illinois DCFS reminds parents and caregivers about the ABCs of Safe Sleep for Infants

Illinois DCFS reminds parents and caregivers about the ABCs of Safe Sleep for Infants

October is Safe Sleep Awareness Month in Illinois, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) reminds parents and caregivers of three simple steps to ensure the infants… Read more »

Howard Brown Health’s Halloween Soiree Returns

Howard Brown Health’s Halloween Soiree Returns

Howard Brown Health invites costume-clad Chicagoans back to their second annual spooktacular Halloween soiree, the Big Orange Ball, hosted at West Loop restaurant and event space Carnivale, 702 W. Fulton… Read more »

Person- Centered Pilot Program Receives Grant

Person- Centered Pilot Program Receives Grant

The Illinois Department on Aging announced the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Administration for Community Living, has awarded the State of Illinois a $1 million grant…. Read more »

Antibiotic Resistance Forces U.N. Health Agency to Update Treatment for STIs

Antibiotic Resistance Forces U.N. Health Agency to Update Treatment for STIs

Three of the most common sexually transmitted infections are growing increasingly resistant to antibiotics, according to a new report by the World Health Organization (WHO). In response, the U.N. health… Read more »

WellCare Grant Increases Awareness of Fall Prevention Resources for Seniors in Illinois

WellCare Grant Increases Awareness of Fall Prevention Resources for Seniors in Illinois

Every 13 seconds, an adult over the age of 64 is treated in an emergency room for a fall-related injury, often leading to loss of health and independence for seniors…. Read more »

Sitting Leads to Death

Sitting Leads to Death

You might want to sit down for this. On second thought, keep standing. A study published last month in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that sitting for more… Read more »

Doctors ‘Prescribe’ Fresh Produce with Help from Food Banks

Doctors ‘Prescribe’ Fresh Produce with Help from Food Banks

The idea is simple: Load fresh fruits and vegetables into a refrigerator truck and drive it to a health clinic, then have a doctor write a “prescription” for food to… Read more »

Scientists Find New Fat Clues in Feces

Scientists Find New Fat Clues in Feces

Scientists in Britain have found a new link between the diversity of bacteria in human poo – the human fecal microbiome – and levels of harmful types of body fat…. Read more »

Subsidio de WellCare Aumenta la Información de Recursos de Prevención de Caídas en Personas Mayores de Illinois

Subsidio de WellCare Aumenta la Información de Recursos de Prevención de Caídas en Personas Mayores de Illinois

Cada 13 segundos, un adultos de más de 64 años es atendido en las salas de emergencia por una lesión relacionada con una caída, que muchas veces conduce a pérdida… Read more »

Los Doctores ‘Recetan’ Frutas y Vegetales Frescos Con Ayuda de los Bancos de Alimentos

Los Doctores ‘Recetan’ Frutas y Vegetales Frescos Con Ayuda de los Bancos de Alimentos

La idea es sencilla: Cargar frutas y vegetales frescos en un camión refrigerador y llevarlo a una clínica de salud, después, hacer que un doctor escriba una “receta” de comida… Read more »