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Duckworth’s Bipartisan Bill Would Ensure Veterans Receive Same Preventive Health Benefits as All Insured Americans

Duckworth’s Bipartisan Bill Would Ensure Veterans Receive Same Preventive Health Benefits as All Insured Americans

By: Ashmar Mandou Congresswoman and combat Veteran Tammy Duckworth (IL-08) proposed legislation to stop forcing Veterans to pay out-of-pocket for essential preventive care by bringing the preventive benefits provided to… Read more »

El Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad Roció Insecticida el Miércoles para Reducir la Amenaza de Mosquitos

El Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad Roció Insecticida el Miércoles para Reducir la Amenaza de Mosquitos

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) continúa sus esfuerzos contra el virus del Nilo. En base a resultados de su programa de vigilancia de mosquitos de la ciudad,… Read more »

Grupo Especial Enfocado en la Crisis de Heroína

Grupo Especial Enfocado en la Crisis de Heroína

La semana pasada, en honor al Día Internacional de Concientización de la Sobredosis, El grupo West Side Heroin Tssk Force (WSHTF) encabezado por la Representante La Shwan K. Ford (8º)… Read more »

El Departamento de Geriatría de Illinois Reconoce el Mes de una Vejez Sana

El Departamento de Geriatría de Illinois Reconoce el Mes de una Vejez Sana

La población de adultos mayores, de rápido crecimiento en Illinois y en toda la nación, enfoca la importancia de una vida sana y una vejez sana. Illinois Department on Aging… Read more »

El Proyecto Bipartisano de Duckworth Garantizaría que los Veteranos Reciben los Mismos Beneficios de Salud Preventiva que todos los Estadounidenses Asegurados

El Proyecto Bipartisano de Duckworth Garantizaría que los Veteranos Reciben los Mismos Beneficios de Salud Preventiva que todos los Estadounidenses Asegurados

Por: Ashmar Mandou La Congresista y combatiente Veterana Tammy Duckworth (IL-08) propuso una legislación para evitar que se force a los Veteranos a pagar por cuidado preventivo esencial, alineando los… Read more »

Vaccination Misconceptions are Dangerous and Deadly

Vaccination Misconceptions are Dangerous and Deadly

An alarming survey by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) finds an increasing number of physicians are encountering parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. The most common reason cited… Read more »

Golf Outing Supports Saint Anthony Hospital and Focal Point Community Campus

Golf Outing Supports Saint Anthony Hospital and Focal Point Community Campus

On Wednesday, Aug. 31st, the Saint Anthony Hospital Foundation hosted its largest annual fundraiser to raise money and awareness for both the immediate needs of the hospital, as well as… Read more »

How Eating Junk Food Can Lead to a ‘Hangover’

How Eating Junk Food Can Lead to a ‘Hangover’

Hands up: Who’s feasted on a junk food mountain at night, then woken up feeling as wretched as if they’d downed several alcoholic drinks? Well, it turns out there’s a… Read more »

History of Gallstones May Signal Higher Risk of Heart Disease

History of Gallstones May Signal Higher Risk of Heart Disease

People who have had gallstone disease are more likely than others to develop coronary heart disease, according to a large analysis of past studies. Hardened deposits known as gallstones form… Read more »

Millions at Risk Due to Polluted Water

Millions at Risk Due to Polluted Water

More than 300 million people in Asia, Africa and Latin America are at risk of life-threatening diseases like cholera and typhoid due to the increasing pollution of water in rivers… Read more »