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Illinois Poison Center Advierte Contra los Cigarrillos Electrónicos

Illinois Poison Center Advierte Contra los Cigarrillos Electrónicos

Más y más niños están siendo expuestos a los cigarrillos electrónicos, especialmente niños menores de 6 años, de acuerdo a Illinois Poison Center. En el 2015, el Centro recibió 131… Read more »

Forma Fácil de Recortar 100 Calorías en su Dieta Diaria

Forma Fácil de Recortar 100 Calorías en su Dieta Diaria

¿Lucha por perder peso pero no sabe donde están esas calorías extra no deseadas? Le tenemos la respuesta. Quitando solo 100 calorías de su dieta diaria puede perder 10 libras… Read more »

Baje el Riesgo de una Embolia con Estos Sanos Consejos

Baje el Riesgo de una Embolia con Estos Sanos Consejos

Por: Ashmar Mandou La embolia es la quinta causa de muerte y la principal causa de incapacidad en Estados Unidos. Una embolia ocurre cuando un vaso sanguíneo, que lleva el… Read more »

Walgreens Hace la Prescripción de Sobredosis de Fármacos Libre en Nuevo México

Walgreens Hace la Prescripción de Sobredosis de Fármacos Libre en Nuevo México

Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., dijo el martes que ya no requerirá una receta para el antídoto opiode naloxone en todas sus farmacias en Nuevo México. El Naloxone, administrado en inyecciones… Read more »

The Best Ways to Avoid Mosquitoes and the Diseases They Carry

The Best Ways to Avoid Mosquitoes and the Diseases They Carry

As we enter mosquito season, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is reminding Illinoisans of the diseases mosquitoes carry and the best ways to avoid being bitten. West Nile… Read more »

Single Antibody Shot Provides Long-Term HIV Protection in Monkeys

Single Antibody Shot Provides Long-Term HIV Protection in Monkeys

Researchers successfully modified an HIV antibody to extend the protection a single infusion provided to monkeys against a simian version of the virus. Publishing their findings in Nature, researchers studied… Read more »

Hep C is Now the Biggest Killer Among All Infectious Diseases

Hep C is Now the Biggest Killer Among All Infectious Diseases

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) now kills more Americans than any other infectious disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers have released preliminary surveillance data finding that hep C–related… Read more »

Foods that Lower Testosterone

Foods that Lower Testosterone

Food and sex have a long, complicated history together. For years we’ve heard that what we eat can have sexual effects that work on both a psychosomatic level and a… Read more »

E-cigarette Poisonings Surge in Young Children, Study Says

E-cigarette Poisonings Surge in Young Children, Study Says

Electronic cigarettes have sickened rising numbers of young children, a study of U.S. poison center calls has found. Most cases involve swallowing liquid nicotine. While most kids weren’t seriously harmed,… Read more »

Is using rusty cookware really that big of a deal?

Is using rusty cookware really that big of a deal?

The situation: It’s time to bake something delicious—but when you pull out your trusty loaf pan (or muffin tin, or cast iron skillet) you see a few spots of rust… Read more »