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Childhood Asthma Rates Dropping, But Not For Everyone

Childhood Asthma Rates Dropping, But Not For Everyone

A 20-year trend of rising asthma rates among American children appears to have started decreasing during the last two years, show new findings published in the journal Pediatrics by researchers… Read more »

Could You Be Ruining Your Children’s Dental Health?

Could You Be Ruining Your Children’s Dental Health?

As hard as parents try to set the right examples, teach the right lessons and reinforce the right habits to their children, we all manage to, at some point, mess… Read more »

Baja el Indice de Asma Infantil, Pero no para Todos

Baja el Indice de Asma Infantil, Pero no para Todos

Una tendencia de 20 años de aumento en el índice de asma entre niños estadounidenses parece haber comenzado a disminuir en los últimos dos años, muestran nuevos hallazgos publicados en… Read more »

Dietas Cargadas de Azúcar Pueden Aumentar el Riesgo del Cáncer de Mama y Pulmonar

Dietas Cargadas de Azúcar Pueden Aumentar el Riesgo del Cáncer de Mama y Pulmonar

He aquí una noticia que muestra que los postres no deberían ser tan dulces. Resultados de un estudio publicado en Cáncer Research descubrió que el azúcar común o sucrosa, puede… Read more »

El Condado de Cook y Greater Chicago Food Depository Anuncian Plan de Acceso a Alimentos

El Condado de Cook y Greater Chicago Food Depository Anuncian Plan de Acceso a Alimentos

El Presidente de la Junta del Condado de Cook, Toni Preckwinkle y Greater Chicago Food Depository anunciaron el martes la creación de un Plan de Acceso a Alimentos del Condado… Read more »

Las Dietas Basadas en ADN Podrían Ser la Próxima Gran Tendencia para Perder Peso

Las Dietas Basadas en ADN Podrían Ser la Próxima Gran Tendencia para Perder Peso

¿Alguna vez se sintió que no importa lo que haga es imposible perder peso? Bueno, los científicos han establecido que sus genes pueden ser, en parte, los culpables. Por eso… Read more »

Commit to a Healthy 2016: Tips to Choosing a Health Club

Commit to a Healthy 2016: Tips to Choosing a Health Club

By Annie Vincic, Life Time Athletic general manager The New Year is upon us. If you’ve made fitness resolutions for 2016, the time has come to decide whether to join… Read more »

U.S. Drug Overdoses Hitting Record Highs

U.S. Drug Overdoses Hitting Record Highs

Last year, more than 47,000 Americans died from drug overdoses. This record high in the addiction epidemic is fueled largely by abuse of opioid narcotics, according to new statistics from… Read more »

Illinois DCFS Releases Public Service Announcement to Prevent Child Human Trafficking

Illinois DCFS Releases Public Service Announcement to Prevent Child Human Trafficking

The human trafficking of children for sex in Illinois happens in every small town and big city throughout the state of Illinois. Since 2011, The Department of Children and Family… Read more »

Dept. of Public Health to Reduce, Prevent Youth Vaping

Dept. of Public Health to Reduce, Prevent Youth Vaping

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) Commissioner Dr. Julie Morita launched “Vaping,” a new public education and social media campaign dedicated to informing youth and families… Read more »