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Infecciones Infantiles Prevenibles con la Vacuna Pueden Elevar el Riesgo de un Ataque Cardíaco Temprano

Infecciones Infantiles Prevenibles con la Vacuna Pueden Elevar el Riesgo de un Ataque Cardíaco Temprano

He aquí una razón más para vacunar a sus niños: Infecciones infantiles como la viruela, el sarampión y la tuberculosis pueden elevar drásticamente el riesgo de un ataque cardíaco más… Read more »

Las Minorías Esperan Más Tiempo a que los Atiendan en Centros de Salud de E.U.

Las Minorías Esperan Más Tiempo a que los Atiendan en Centros de Salud de E.U.

Por ahora, es bien conocido en la comunidad médica que grandes disparidades de salud existen en Estados Unidos cuando se trata de Estadounidenses de diferentes razas. Ahora, nuevos hallazgos publicados… Read more »

Governor Rauner Proclaims October Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month

Governor Rauner Proclaims October Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month

148 investigations for child sleep-related deaths between 2009 and 2014 On behalf of Illinois DCFS, I would like to invite you to cover our Safe Sleep event at University of… Read more »

How to Find Wholeness in a Fractured World

How to Find Wholeness in a Fractured World

Happiness can seem like an endless journey fraught with many, often contradicting theories. There’s what you should and shouldn’t do; training states of mind; economic considerations; health; family; meaning; philosophy;… Read more »

What’s The Best Option for Diabetics Seeking Weight Loss Surgery?

What’s The Best Option for Diabetics Seeking Weight Loss Surgery?

If you’re obese and living with type 2 diabetes, you may have tried in vain to pare off the pounds with a healthier diet and exercise. But gastric bypass surgery… Read more »

Actress and Breast Cancer Advocate Adamari Lopez Shares Vital Message with Latinas

Actress and Breast Cancer Advocate Adamari Lopez Shares Vital Message with Latinas

By: Ashmar Mandou Once again, actress and breast cancer survivor Adamari Lopez partnered with Procter & Gamble’s Orgullosa Campaign to inform Latinas about the importance of early detection during Breast… Read more »

Tips for Picking a Health Insurance Plan for Illinoisans

Tips for Picking a Health Insurance Plan for Illinoisans

By: Colleen Van Ham, CEO, UnitedHealthcare of Illinois Open enrollment is underway or about to begin for millions of Illinois residents shopping for family or individual health insurance coverage for… Read more »

Study: Mass Shootings in the United States Are ‘Contagious’

Study: Mass Shootings in the United States Are ‘Contagious’

Mass killings, such as recent shootings at a college in southern Oregon, a prayer meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, or the 2012 attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,… Read more »

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History Hosts Seminars at Columbia College

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History Hosts Seminars at Columbia College

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, produced by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA), is a nationwide public programming initiative that supports the… Read more »

Tech Companies Seek to Develop New Ingestible Health Trackers

Tech Companies Seek to Develop New Ingestible Health Trackers

Move over, smartwatches. Wearable devices designed to evaluate our bodies’ sleep patterns, track fitness, and check blood sugar levels are gaining popularity in the United States. Now, Fortune reports, tech… Read more »