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Howard Brown Health Center Earns Designation as New Federally Qualified Health Center

Howard Brown Health Center Earns Designation as New Federally Qualified Health Center

Today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) selected Howard Brown Health Center (HBHC) as a new grant earning Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). Secured through a nationally… Read more »

Erie Family Health Center Can Help Parents Beat the Back-to-School Rush

Erie Family Health Center Can Help Parents Beat the Back-to-School Rush

Erie Family Health Center encourages parents to beat the back-to-school rush. With the choice of convenient back-to-back medical and dental appointments, parents can schedule a complete medical or dental exam… Read more »

El Centro Erie Family Health Center Puede Ayudar a los Padres con las Prisas del Regreso a la Escuela

El Centro Erie Family Health Center Puede Ayudar a los Padres con las Prisas del Regreso a la Escuela

El Centro Erie Family Health Center aconseja a los padres superar la prisa del regreso a la escuela. Con la alternativa de citas dentales y médicas convenientes, los padres pueden… Read more »

¡Trae la Tabasco!

¡Trae la Tabasco!

El Picante Puede Disminuir su Riesgo de Muerte Una buena noticia para los amantes del picante: Varios estudios recientes sugieren que aumentar el picante en su dieta puede traerle toda… Read more »

Examen de las Venas Gratuito Ofecido por USA Vein Clinics

Examen de las Venas Gratuito Ofecido por USA Vein Clinics

Las enfermedades de las venas afectan a más de 30 millones de estadounidenses y puede ser una condición dolorosa si no es atendida. Mucha gente tiene venas varicosas sin saberlo… Read more »

Se Buscan Bebés Cumpleañeros del Hospital Loretto

Se Buscan Bebés Cumpleañeros del Hospital Loretto

¿Nació usted en el Hospital Loretto? Si es así podría ganar una televisión pantalla plana de 37 pulgadas o un viaje redondo en avión. Esta es su invitación a una… Read more »

New Sites Connect Transgender People with Competent Care Providers

New Sites Connect Transgender People with Competent Care Providers

With up to one-third of transgender adults reporting discrimination in U.S. healthcare settings—including denial of equal treatment, harassment and even physical assault—advocates are starting an online movement to help gender… Read more »

Department on Aging Hosts Senior Day at Illinois State Fair

Department on Aging Hosts Senior Day at Illinois State Fair

Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) will host activities for seniors and their families during the Illinois State Fair, August 13th-23rd, in Springfield. IDoA will have a lineup of special events… Read more »

Loretto Hospital Partners with Illinois Eye Institute

Loretto Hospital Partners with Illinois Eye Institute

Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, the Illinois Eye Institute (IEI), under the leadership of Dr. Dominick L. Opitz, associate professor of optometry, will conduct a weekly eye clinic at Loretto… Read more »

Animal Lovers Beware: Pets Can Pass Illnesses to Their Owners

Animal Lovers Beware: Pets Can Pass Illnesses to Their Owners

If your family is among the 62 percent of American households that owns a pet, read on. Health researchers warn that our animal friends can pass along almost 20 different… Read more »