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Los defensores de la prevención de la violencia armada y la prevención de la violencia doméstica se unen a los funcionarios electos para instar un cambio rápido
Esta semana, One Aim Illinois se reunió con defensores de la prevención de la violencia doméstica y funcionarios electos para expresar su apoyo al proyecto de ley de Karina, que… Read more
Nueva iniciativa con el sector público de Google tiene como objetivo mejorar el acceso a recursos de atención de salud conductual para niños
El gobernador JB Pritzker se unió al Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois (DHS) y al Sector Público de Google el lunes para anunciar la creación de BEACON (Atención de… Read more
IDPH Accepting Grant Applications for Programs to Address Sickle Cell Disease
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is now accepting applications for Prevention, Care and Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease grants. A total of $750,000 has been allocated for the… Read more
House, Senate Mental Health Committees to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
The House Mental Health & Addiction Committee will meet jointly with the Senate Behavioral Mental Health Committee to discuss the ongoing issue of the behavioral health workforce shortage across the… Read more
Illinois Moves to Ban Harmful Food Chemicals
By: Ashmar Mandou After a law banning harmful food chemicals passed in California, Illinois is now following suit. Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, State Senator Willie Preston (D-Chicago), and State… Read more
Los comités de salud mental de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado abordarán la escasez de mano de obra en salud conductal
El Comité de Salud Mental y Adicciones de la Cámara de Representantes se reunirá conjuntamente con el Comité de Salud Mental del Comportamiento del Senado para discutir el problema actual… Read more
Illinois toma medidas para prohibir los productos alimenticios que tengan químicos nocivos
Por: Ashmar Mandou Después de que se aprobara en California una ley que prohíbe los productos alimenticios que tengan químicos nocivos, Illinois ahora está haciendo lo mismo. El Secretario de… Read more
Illinois Raises Awareness During Community Risk Reduction Week
Governor JB Pritzker has proclaimed Monday, January 15, 2024, through Sunday, January 21, 2024, as Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Week in Illinois. CRR is a data-driven process to identify and… Read more
State of Illinois Combats Human Trafficking and Supports Survivors
The State of Illinois is recognizing Human Trafficking Awareness Day, part of the larger Human Trafficking Awareness Month, in an effort to raise awareness about one of the most under-reported… Read more
New Year, New Walmart Wellness Day
A new year presents the opportunity for a new you, and Walmart invites communities to own their health journey by joining us for the first Wellness Day of 2024 on… Read more