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Que Rica Vida Visits Gads Hill Center
On Thursday, Nov. 3 to accompany Univision’s health expert Dr. Aliza A. Lifshitz and Executive Chef of Que Rica Vida Adriana Amione, for the National Diabetes Awareness Month. Several families… Read more
Latino Leaders and Communities Pledge to Turn the Tide on Pure Life
On November 2nd, the first Nestlé Pure Life retail store celebrated its two-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, UChicago Students Against Bottled Water gathered on the University of Chicago campus… Read more
‘Take the Reins’ of Your Health with New Spanish-language Guides
If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, for example, you probably know that keeping cholesterol at a healthy level can help you lower your chances of a heart attack… Read more
Chiro One Wellness Centers Honors veterans
In observance of Veterans Day, Chiro One Wellness Centers is hosting ‘Red, White and Extraordinary Wellness Day,’ on Thursday, Nov. 10 at all Chiro One Wellness Centers locations. This is… Read more
‘Tome las Riendas’ de su Salud con Nueva Guía en Español
Si le han diagnosticado colesterol alto, por ejemplo, usted probablemente sabe que mantener el colesterol a un nivel saludable puede ayudarle a bajar su riesgo de un ataque cardíaco o… Read more
High Tax on Sugar Drinks
The Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity (IAPO) announced the public health and economic benefits of a state tax on sugar-loaded beverages as outlined in a report commissioned by the Cook… Read more
Chiro One Wellness Centers honra a los Veteranos
Para celebrar el Día de los Veteranos, Chiro One Wellness Centers presenta ‘Red, White and Extraordinary Wellness Day’, el jueves, 10 de noviembre, en los locales de Chiro One Wellness… Read more
HUD Study Finds Moving to Low-Poverty Neighborhoods Lowers Risk of Obesity and Diabetes
Very-low income women who have the opportunity to move from high-poverty neighborhoods into lower poverty areas are significantly less likely to be extremely obese or to have diabetes. Those are… Read more
Study Finds Unprecedented Marketing of Sugary Drinks to Youth
Young people are being exposed to a massive amount of marketing for sugary drinks, such as full-calorie soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and fruit drinks, according to a new study… Read more
Estudio de HUD Encuentra que Cambiarse a Barrios de Poca Pobreza Disminuye el Riesgo de la Obesidad y la Diabetes
Las mujeres de muy bajo ingreso que tienen la oportunidad de cambiarse de barrios de mucha pobreza a áreas de menos pobreza tienen considerablemente menos probabilidades de ser extrenamadmente obesas… Read more