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Stay Hydrated During Summer Heat
By: Ashmar Mandou With temperatures rising this week, getting enough to drink and keeping cool while playing outdoor activities is extremely important. Dehydration can be a serious condition that can… Read more
CDPH Investigates Monkeypox Infections, Asks the Public to Take Precautions this Summer
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) continues to investigate reports of monkeypox cases in Chicago residents and is asking people to take proper precautions when in spaces or situations… Read more
Stay Safe in Extreme Heat This Week
With the season’s first wave of oppressive heat and humidity forecast this week, the FEMA Region 5 office in Chicago is encouraging residents to avoid the dangers of extreme heat… Read more
Mantente Hidratado Bajo el Calor del Verano
Por Ashmar Mandou Con el alza de la temperatura esta semana, es sumamente importante tomar suficiente agua y mantenerte fresco mientras practicas actividades al aire libre. La deshidratación puede ser… Read more
CDPH Investiga Infecciones de la Viruela del Mono y Pide al Público que Tenga Precaución este Verano
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) continúa investigando reportes de casos de viruela del mono en los residentes de Chicago ypide a la gente que tome las precauciones… Read more
Manténgase a Salvo del Extremo Calor Esta Semana
Con la primera onda de opresivo calor esta temporada y el pronóstico de humedad esta semana, la oficina de FEMA de la Región 5 en Chicago aconseja a los residentes… Read more
Governor Pritzker Announces $20 Million Investment in Humboldt Park Health
Governor Pritzker joined Humboldt Park Health leaders to announce $20 million in funding for the safety-net hospital on the west side of Chicago, a product of the Governor’s historic Rebuild… Read more
More Access to Mental Health Services for Families Needed
There are 916,880 children under the age of five in Illinois, and only five percent are accessing publicly funded mental health services, according to Erikson Institute’s Illinois Risk and Reach… Read more
CPS Budget Increases Funding for Social, Emotional Intervention
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on Tuesday released its proposed $9.5 billion budget for FY2023, focused on robust classroom instruction, increased mental health supports and social-emotional learning, greater access to the… Read more
El Gobernador Pritzker Anuncia Inversión de $20 Millones en la Salud de Humboldt Park
El Gobernador Pritzker se unió a líderes de la salud en Humboldt Park para anunciar $20 millones en fondos para el hospital de la red de seguridad en el lado… Read more