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CDPH Denies RMG/General Iron Permit to Operate on Southeast Side
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced that it has denied RMG’s permit application to operate a scrap metal recycling facility on Chicago’s Southeast Side. CDPH found the potential adverse changes in air quality… Read more
U.S. Food and Drug Administration to Greenlight Over the Counter Hearing Aids
Courtesy of Esther Sciammarella Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition For the first time in the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is likely to clear the way for hearing… Read more
La Ciudad Quita la Máscara y el Requisito de Vacunas para Ciertos Lugares Públicos
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y la Comisionada de Salud Pública, Allison Arwady, M.D, anunciaron el martes que la Ciudad quitará el requisito de máscaras y vacunas para ciertos lugares… Read more
City to Remove Mask, Vaccine Requirements for Certain Public Settings
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady, M.D., announced on Tuesday that the City will remove the mask and vaccine requirements for certain public spaces on February… Read more
Two Innovative Food Access Programs are Addressing Food Insecurity in Austin
Dion Dawson wouldn’t call himself an inventor, but he knew that there had to be a better way of getting healthy food to people who need it. And so…he invented… Read more
University of Chicago Medicine Announces Plan for First Freestanding Cancer Center
The University of Chicago Medicine plans to build a $633 million, 500,000-square-foot facility dedicated to cancer care on its medical campus on the city’s South Side, representing one of the… Read more
Villanueva Measure Will Expand Mothers’ Access to Basic Necessities
State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) is aiming to exempt breast pumps and related supplies from all sales taxes with a measure that passed the Senate Revenue Committee. “Tax exemptions on… Read more
Dos Innovadores Programas de Acceso a Alimentos Están Tratando la Inseguridad Alimenticia en Austin
Dion Dawson no se llamaría a si mismo un inventor, pero sabía que tenía que haber una mejor forma de llevar comida saludable a la gente que lo necesitaba. Y… Read more
UChicago Medicine Anuncia Plan para el Primer Centro Oncológico Independiente
UChicago Medicine planea construir una instalación de $633 millones, 500,000 pies cuadrados, dedicados al cuidado del cáncer en su campo académico en el Sector Sur de la Ciudad, representando una… Read more
La Medida de Villanueva Ampliará el Acceso de las Madres a Necesidades Básicas
La Senadora Estatal Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) tiene como objetivo eximir a los extractores de leche y suministros relacionados de todos los impuestos sobre las ventas, con una medida que aprobó… Read more