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Chicago to Become Most ‘Immigrant-Friendly’ City

Chicago to Become Most ‘Immigrant-Friendly’ City

Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Tuesday his intention to introduce a Welcoming City Ordinance that builds on efforts to make Chicago the most immigrant-friendly city in the country by incorporating basic… Read more »

Singer Superstar Fonseca Talks Latest Project

Singer Superstar Fonseca Talks Latest Project

By: Celia Martinez The lighting in the lobby of the Crown Plaza was dim. Voices echoed through the hallways as guests of the hotel filtered in and out. With every… Read more »

Preservemos una Gema Local: Catedral Café

Preservemos una Gema Local: Catedral Café

Por: Ashmar Mandou Algunos residentes de la Villita describen a Catedral Café como una gema. Otros la pintan como un refugio para la juventud. Inclusive el Alcalde Rahm Emanuel se… Read more »

La CTA Anuncia Reunión Pública Sobre el Proyecto de Renovación de la Línea Roja

La CTA Anuncia Reunión Pública Sobre el Proyecto de Renovación de la Línea Roja

La Autoridad de Tránsito de Chicago (CTA) anunció la tercera reunión pública sobre el próximo Proyecto de Renovación de la Vía de la Línea Roja Sur, que tendrá lugar el… Read more »

Chicago se Convierte en la Ciudad Más “Amistosa con el Inmigrante”

Chicago se Convierte en la Ciudad Más “Amistosa con el Inmigrante”

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel anunció el martes su intención de introducir una ordenanza de Bienvenidos a la Ciudad, en un esfuerzo por hacer de Chicago la ciudad más amistosa del… Read more »

Pruebas de Salud en Chicago

Pruebas de Salud en Chicago

El Centro Medico Our Lady of Resurrection, 5645 W. Addison St., tendrá una feria de salud gratuita el 21 de Julio, de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. Las pruebas de… Read more »

Fighting for our Route

Fighting for our Route

By: Celia Martinez Bicycles occupied the pier of the 31st street beach on Saturday June 30th in the early afternoon, as residents from Little Village, McKinley Park, Bridgeport and Bronzeville… Read more »

Walmart Comes to Little Village and Back of the Yards

Walmart Comes to Little Village and Back of the Yards

By: Ashmar Mandou Little Village and Back of the Yards neighborhoods are about to receive a boon to their economic development. A spokesperson from Walmart announced on Tuesday they will… Read more »

City Officials Provide Safety Tips, Cooling Centers and Well-being Checks

City Officials Provide Safety Tips, Cooling Centers and Well-being Checks

Hot temperatures and a 20 percent chance of more thunderstorms are forecast for upcoming days in Chicago. City Officials remind the public to be aware of the sign and symptoms… Read more »

Chicago Health Screenings

Chicago Health Screenings

Our Lady of Resurrection Medical Center, 5645 West Addison Street, will hold a free health fair on July 21st from 9am- 1pm. Free screenings will include: glucose and blood pressure,… Read more »