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Jazz Legend Eddie Palmieri Celebrates 50th Birthday in Chicago

Jazz Legend Eddie Palmieri Celebrates 50th Birthday in Chicago

Mayne Stage welcomes Latin jazz artist Eddie Palmieri celebrating his 75th birthday and over 50 years of music in an intimate setting, along with his quartet for two shows only…. Read more »

ComEd details electrical grid improvements for region  Region-wide improvements launched in the Town of Cicero

ComEd details electrical grid improvements for region Region-wide improvements launched in the Town of Cicero

Cicero & Officials of Commonwealth Edison and its parent company Exelon detailed a multi-million plan to upgrade their electrical grid beginning with improvement in the Town of Cicero at a… Read more »

Families Oppose Crete Detention Center

Families Oppose Crete Detention Center

Immigrant families and supporters announced a three day walk to Crete to contest the creation of the Crete Immigration Detention Center. During a press conference at Our Lady of Guadalupe… Read more »

ComEd Detalla Modernización en Tendido Eléctrico de la Región Mejoras a Nivel Regional Iniciadas en Cicero

ComEd Detalla Modernización en Tendido Eléctrico de la Región Mejoras a Nivel Regional Iniciadas en Cicero

Funcionarios de Commonweatlh Edison y su compañía matriz, Exelon, detallaron un plan multimillonario para modernizar su tendido eléctrico, empezando con el mejoramiento en el municipio de Cicero, en una reunión… Read more »

La Leyenda del Jazz Eddie Palmieri Celebra su 75 Aniversario en Chicago

La Leyenda del Jazz Eddie Palmieri Celebra su 75 Aniversario en Chicago

Mayne Stage da la bienvenida al artista del jazz latino, Eddie Palmiere, que celebra su cumpleaños No. 75 y más de 50 años de música en un ambiente íntimo, junto… Read more »

Familias se Oponen al Centro de Detención de Crete

Familias se Oponen al Centro de Detención de Crete

Familias inmigrantes y simpatizantes anunciaron una caminata de tres días a Crete, para impugnar la creación del Centro de Detención de Inmigración en Crete. Durante una conferencia de prensa en… Read more »

Stone Park Community Unites Against Strip Club

Stone Park Community Unites Against Strip Club

By: Ashmar Mandou Hundreds of residents, which included children and missionary sisters, in Stone Park expressed outrage over the upcoming opening of a strip club called, “Get It.” Over 500… Read more »

La Escuela San Miguel Cierra su Campus de Gary Comer

La Escuela San Miguel Cierra su Campus de Gary Comer

Por: Alma Campos La organización de la Escuela San Miguel Chicago anunció el 1º de marzo que cerrará su Campus Gary Comer para finales del año escolar, en julio. De… Read more »

Sinai Urban Health Institute Announces Partnership

Sinai Urban Health Institute Announces Partnership

Sinai Urban Health Institute (SUHI) announced that it is partnering with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) to launch a major community health project on Chicago’s west side…. Read more »

Undocumented Activists Receive ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict

Undocumented Activists Receive ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict

By: Ashmar Mandou Nadia Sol Ireri Unzueta Carrasco, 24, Fanny Lopez-Martinez, 22, Jorge Mena, 24, Arianna Salgado, 19, and Carla Navoa, 22, received the news of their lives earlier this… Read more »