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San Miguel School Closes Back-of-Yards Campus

San Miguel School Closes Back-of-Yards Campus

By: Alma Campos San Miguel School Chicago organization announced on March 1 it will close its Gary Comer Campus by the end of this school year in July. According to… Read more »

Afiliación de Sinai Urban Health Institute

Afiliación de Sinai Urban Health Institute

Sinai Urban Health Institute (SUHI) anunció su afiliación con Blue Cross & Blue Shield de Illinois (BCBSIL), para lanzar un gran proyecto de salud comunitario en el sector oeste de… Read more »

Medicare Part B Deadline Approaching

Medicare Part B Deadline Approaching

By: Mayra Salazar Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration If you didn’t sign up for Medicare Part B medical insurance when you first became eligible for Medicare, you now have… Read more »

Activistas Indocumentados Reciben el Veredicto de ‘No Culpables’

Activistas Indocumentados Reciben el Veredicto de ‘No Culpables’

Por: Ashmar Mandou Nadia Sol Ireri Unzueta Carrasco, de 24 años, Fanny López-Martínez, de 22, Jorge Mena, de 24, Arianna Salgado, de 19 y Carla Navoa, de 22, recibieron la… Read more »

Se Acerca la Fecha Límite de Medicare Parte B

Se Acerca la Fecha Límite de Medicare Parte B

Por: Mayra Salazar Especialista de Asuntos Públicos, Administradora del Seguro Social Si no se inscribió para el seguro médico Parte B del Medicare al comenzar a ser elegible para el… Read more »

Preparation Key to College and Career Success By: Donna Loraine Provost/Vice President of academic affairs for DeVry University

Preparation Key to College and Career Success By: Donna Loraine Provost/Vice President of academic affairs for DeVry University

The 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics report Education Pays… illustrates that higher earnings and lower unemployment rates are often reported among bachelor’s degree holders, compared to those with only a… Read more »

Students to Mayor Emanuel: “Put Us on a Path to College, Not Prison”

Students to Mayor Emanuel: “Put Us on a Path to College, Not Prison”

Students and elected officials shared original research and personal experiences with school discipline across Chicago during a rally held last Monday in front of the Cook County Juvenile Center to… Read more »

Preparación Clave para el Exito en el Colegio y Carreras Universitarias

Preparación Clave para el Exito en el Colegio y Carreras Universitarias

Por: Donna Loraine Provost/Vicepresidenta de Asuntos Académicos de la Universidad DeVry El reporte de la Oficina de Estadísticas de Trabajo del 2010 La Educación Paga… ilustra cuan mayores ingresos y… Read more »

Candidate for State Representative of 24th District Neftalie Gonzalez

Candidate for State Representative of 24th District Neftalie Gonzalez

By: Ashmar Mandou Former Chicago Police Officer and now current candidate for State Representative of the 24th District Neftalie Gonzalez has high hopes in the upcoming March 20 Primary Election…. Read more »

Working Women Call on Corporations to Do More

Working Women Call on Corporations to Do More

As unequal pay for equal work continues to plague women in Chicago and across the world, hundreds of Chicago janitors and supporters rallied on Thursday at the Chicago Board of… Read more »