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La Ciudad de Chicago Presenta una Demanda Contra Kia y Hyundai
Por Ashmar Mandou La Ciudad de Chicago anunció haber puesto una demanda civil contra Kia America, Inc., Kia Corporation, Hyundai Motor America y Hyundai Motor Company por no incluir “inmovilizadores… Read more
Regresa el Festival de Jazz de Chicago
El Festival de Jazz de Chicago (agosto 31 – septiembre 3), producido por el Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales de Chicago (DCASE) y programado por el Instituto de… Read more
CHI Food Truck Fest Taco Throwdown Ofrece Sabor y Competencia Amistosa
El Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección al Consumidor (BACP) anunció el primer Chi Food Truck Fest Taco Throwdown que tendrá lugar el viernes, 1º de septiembre del 2023. El… Read more
Evento Educativo de Community Savings Bank Para Combatir los Delitos Financieros, el Fraude y el Abuso a Adultos Mayores
Community Savings Bank tendrá un evento de educación de adultos mayores este viernes, 1º de septiembre. Se invita a clientes y miembros de la comunidad. Tendrá lugar de 2 p.m…. Read more
Kickz for Kids se Asocia con la Liga Sindical de los Clubs Boys and Girls
Pie de Foto de Ashmar Mandou Vítores resonaron dentro de Union League Boys and Girls Clubs/club One en el vecindario de Pilsen el martes por la tarde cuando se regalaron… Read more
Chicago’s Printers Row Lit Fest Welcomes Children to Develop Their Love of Reading
Printers Row Lit Fest (PRLF), one of the three largest and oldest literary festivals in the United States, presents the power of ideas to inspire, educate and transform lives through… Read more
Congressman García, Advocates Urges Biden Administration Expand Migrant Services
By: Ashmar Mandou Congressman Jesús “Chuy” García, joined local elected officials and advocates on Wednesday afternoon to hold a press conference urging President Joe Biden and his administration to expand… Read more
Lawndale Christian Health Center to Host Annual 5K
Since 2008, Lawndale Christian Health Center and Lawndale Christian Fitness Center have hosted the Lawndale 5K walk/run to promote wellness in the community and bring people together for a day… Read more
Seventh Annual Gwendolyn Brooks Youth Poetry Awards Celebrates Young Writers Across Illinois
Illinois Humanities, in partnership with Brooks Permissions, the Poetry Foundation, and the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 Gwendolyn… Read more
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Drive High – Get a DUI
‘No excuses,’ says Chief Michael D. Cimaglia The Berwyn Police announced it is partnering with the Illinois State Police and law enforcement across the state to step up efforts to… Read more