Archive: Page 38
La Rep. Jiménez Destaca la Oportunidad de Comidas Saludables para Estudiantes Necesitados Durante Las Vacaciones Navideñas
La Rep. Estatal Lilian Jiménez D-Chicago, destaca tres organizaciones comunitarias que abren sus puertas a estudiantes locales que necesitan comidas saludables durante las vacaciones navideñas de las Escuelas Públicas de… Read more
Solicite Ahora Empleos en el Distrito de Parques de Chicago y Prepárese para el Verano
El Distrito de Parques de Chicago anuncia la apertura de la solicitud de empleos de verano para salvavidas más pronto que nunca en su historia, para garantizar que está listo… Read more
El Tesorero Estatal Michael Frerichs Regresa $27,000 al Ejército de Salvación
El Tesorero Estatal Michael Frerichs regresó el miércoles $27,000 dinero perdido en I-CASH al Ejército de Salvación, organización caritativa ampliamente conocida por su icónica campaña de recaudación Red Kettle. El… Read more
Illinois Reporta Crecimiento Demográfico, Impulsado por 112 Mil Migrantes Internacionales
El estado frenó su pérdida de población, añadiendo un estimado de 67.899 residentes este año. Illinois terminó nueve años de pérdida de población, agregando un estimado de 67,899 residentes de… Read more
Illinois Minimum Wage Increasing on January 1
Most hourly workers will see an increase of $1 an hour on their paystubs Workers will see an increase of $1 per hour from $14 to $15. The minimum wage… Read more
Rep. Robin Kelly Introduces Bicameral Bill to Increase Transparency in Federal Spending
Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02) introduced the Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Federal Spending Act (H.R. 10394) to include holistic demographic data of federal loans and grants recipients. Currently, data tracking… Read more
Villa Furthers Language Equity Initiative
A measure championed by State Senator Karina Villa, securing language assistance during state agency administrative hearings passed the Senate on Wednesday with support from the Mexican American Legal Defense and… Read more
ComEd Offers Free Job Training Programs
ComEd is reminding folks of the new, free job training programs that are available in the new year. Just last year, ComEd’s new training programs collectively reached 1,200 people across… Read more
Local Organizations to Present Youth-Focused Community Plans
The City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) invited Chicago leaders, youth-serving stakeholders and young people to the Harold Washington Library Center Winter Garden for the December… Read more
Mayor Brandon Johnson Announces Board of Education Appointments
Mayor Brandon Johnson announced the appointment of Sean Harden as President of the Chicago Board of Education, accompanied by a slate of experienced and passionate leaders whose collective expertise will… Read more