Archive: Page 617
Villanueva Aprueba Legislación para Crear Comisión de Violencia Doméstica
Para proteger a las mujeres y niños de Illinois, la Senadora Estatal Illinois para establecer la Comisión de Revisión de Fatalidades de Violencia Doméstica. “Los incidentes de violencia doméstica han… Read more
El Senado Aprueba el Plan Pacione-Zayas’ para Crear Distritos Culturales
El Senado de Illinois aprobó un plan de la Senadora Estatal Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) para permitir la designación de distritos culturales en Illinois, algo que dijo ayudaría a afirmar la… Read more
La Ciudad Lanza Chicago Works
Con el inicio de la temporada de pavimentación 2021, la Ciudad de Chicago lanzó el plan de infraestructura y empleos Chicago Works. El evento inició el primer año del Plan… Read more
La Ciudad de Berwyn y Erie Neighborhood House Abren Oficina Satélite
El miércoles, Erie Neighborhood House y la Ciudad de Berwyn anunciaron una afiiación al patrocinar un nuevo local para servir a los residentes de Berwyn y barrios circunvecinos. Es este… Read more
House Passes Bill Allowing Public Defenders to Represent Immigrants Facing Deportation
The Illinois House of Representatives voted last week to pass HB2790, which would give public defenders in Cook County the discretion to represent noncitizens before Chicago’s Immigration Court. If the… Read more
Hernandez Passes Bipartisan Measure to Ensure the Counting of Undocumented Individuals in 2020 Census
Illinois is one step closer to being completely counted in the recent 2020 Census after state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, passed legislation that will include all members of a… Read more
SEIU Local 1 Chicagoland Janitors Ratify Strong New Contracts
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1 frontline janitors, who have kept the public clean and safe throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ratified strong new 3-year contracts that guarantee good annual… Read more
DPI and Wilbur Wright College Announce Partnership
The Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) and Wilbur Wright College announced a new partnership to support and develop promising and diverse tech talent in Illinois, with a focus on pathways into… Read more
Triton College SURGE Participants Excel as Student-Leaders
Triton College is proud to have students excelling in and out of the classroom. Oumou Toure was accepted to attend the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) NASA Experience. Bertha Sanchez was accepted into the Aspen… Read more
Chicago Announces First Culinary Apprenticeship Class at McCormick Place
UNITE HERE Chicago Hospitality Institute (UHCHI), HIRE360, Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) and SAVOR announced the first-ever UHCHI Culinary Apprenticeship Class in preparation of the return of hospitality. The… Read more