Archive: Page 653
Teatro Vista da la Bienvenida a la Nueva Directora de la Firma de Asesoría Global Stout
Teatro Vista, única compañía de teatro latino afiliada a Equity de Chicago, anunció que Julieta LaMalfa, directora de la oficina de Stout de Chicago se unió a su mesa directiva…. Read more
Nuevo Puesto, Nueva Meta
Por Ashmar Mandou La por mucho tiempo abogada de educación Cristina Pacione-Zayas ganó mucha experiencia trabajando con tan prolíficas organizaciones como Erikson Institute, Enlace Chicago y La Agenda Puertorriqueña de… Read more
Attorney General Raoul Announces Police Reform Bill
Attorney General Kwame Raoul announced legislation to improve the police certification and de-certification process as part of his ongoing effort to advocate for policies that make lasting, systemic change to… Read more
City Announces Nancy Andrade as Commissioner for Chicago Commission on Human Relations
Earlier this week, the City announced Nancy C. Andrade as the Commissioner of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations (CCHR). Andrade, who brings years of experience with the City as… Read more
Goya Foods Delivers Aid to Venezuela
Goya Foods, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in The United States, delivers 220,000-pounds of food to the people of Venezuela, who continue to suffer from severe food shortages. It is… Read more
City Treasurer Revolutionizes Office
In her first year, Chicago City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin’s office revolutionized the way cities invest in, and contract with, financial institutions. Her office became the first in the nation to… Read more
Casa Central Appoints New Members to Its Emerging Leaders Auxiliary Board
Casa Central appointed 12 new members to its Emerging Leaders Auxiliary Board (ELAB) on January 1, 2021. ELAB is comprised of 26 distinguished young professionals from various industries across the… Read more
New Coalition Aims to Protect App-Based Workers’ Independence and Flexibility
On Wednesday, the Illinois Coalition for Independent Work launched to help elevate the voices and needs of Illinois’ app-based workers. The coalition aims to protect the independence and flexibility of… Read more
Senator Fine: ‘education reforms ensure equal access to opportunities’
To help all Illinois students succeed in higher education and the career world, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) is supporting legislation to improve equity in the Illinois school system. The… Read more
Illinois Federation of Teachers Stands in Solidarity with National Day of Resistance to Demand Safe Schools
On Tuesday, thousands of parents, students, and teachers’ unions across the nation will organize to demand the safe reopening of our nation’s schools. Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery issued the following statement… Read more