Archive: Page 656
El Estado Lanza Programa de Entrenamiento para Concientizar Sobre el Tráfico Humano
Enero es el Mes de Concientización del Tráfico Humano y el Departamento de Servicios Infantiles y Familiares de Illinois (DCFS) recuerda al público que el tráfico humano no es solo… Read more
Cradles to Crayons Invita a las Familias a Donar y Ofrecerse como Voluntarios en Honor al Día de MLK
El Día de Martin Luther King Jr., es un día para honrar el legado de retribuir a los más vulnerables de nuestras comunidades, del fallecido ícono de los derechos civiles…. Read more
Temporada de Submisiones en Collaboraction
Es temporada de submisiones en Collaboraction, teatro de Chicago para el cambio social. Collaboraction produce festivales de artes escénicas que brindan plataformas de voces subrepresentadas, para compartir historias personales poderosas… Read more
PAV YMCA de Berwyn-Cicero Recibió un Subsidio Filantrópico de BDC
Un subsidio filantrópico de Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) le fue otorgado a Pav YMCA por su Programa Senior Food Service Drive Thru [Programa de servicio de alimentos para personas mayores]… Read more
Pappas: “If you didn’t vote, don’t complain”
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas released a study which reveals the properties in Chicago and the suburbs with the largest property tax increases since 2000, dramatic examples of how the… Read more
Chicago Park District Suspends In Person Winter Programming
In accordance with the State’s Tier 3 Resurgence Mitigation plan to suppress the spread of COVID-19, the Chicago Park District will suspend the start of in-person, Winter programs scheduled to… Read more
Food Foundry Accelerator Opens Applications for Cohort 3
Relish Works, in partnership with Gordon Food Service and 1871, are kicking off their third cohort of Food Foundry, a growth accelerator for companies building the future of the food… Read more
Illinois Department of Public Health Monitoring New Coronavirus Variant
A new variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 was identified in the United Kingdom a few weeks ago. Cases have been reported in two states and are not known… Read more
Advocate Health Care Announces First babies of 2021
Advocate Health Care is excited to welcome the first babies born in 2021 Advocate Christ Medical Center Name of Mom and Dad: Kratia Franco (mom) and Marlon Franco (dad) Name of Baby: Maverick (boy) Weight:… Read more
FSIS Issues Public Health Alert
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing a public health alert for approximately 49 pounds of frozen, fully cooked, not shelf stable chicken sriracha… Read more