Archive: Page 670
El Coro de Niños de Chicago Invita a Jóvenes Cantores a una Casa Abierta Interactiva
Chicago Children’s Choir (CCC), organización no lucrativa que inspira y une a jóvenes de diversas procedencias para que lleguen a ser ciudadanos del mundo a través de la música, presenta… Read more
Bank of America Da al Colegio Harold Washington $1 Millon para Iniciativa de Empleos
Harold Washington College, uno de los Colegios de la Ciudad de Chicago y Bank of America anunciaron una nueva asociación de iniciativa de empleo de $ 1 millón para ayudar… Read more
Subvención para Apoyar la Nueva Sede de la Red de Empleo de North Lawndale
Una instalación vacante de North Lawndale será remodelada como el nuevo campus de la Red de Empleo de North Lawndale (NLEM) gracias a un subsidio de $2.5 millones de Neighborhood… Read more
Martínez Juramentada Como Secretaria de la Corte del Circuito del Condado de Cook
La ex Senadora Estatal de Illinois, Iris Y Martínez fue juramentada el martes como 6a. Secretaria de la Corte del Circuito del Condado de Cook y primera latina en ocupar… Read more
El Procurador General Raoul Anuncia un Acuerdo con Hilco Redevelopment
El Procurador General Kwame Raoul anunció un acuerdo que resuelve su demanda contra Hilco Redevelopment, LLC, que opera como Hilco Redevelopment Partners (Hilco); HRP Exchange 55, LLC, MCM Management Corp…. Read more
Clerk Yarbrough Alerts Cook County Residents of Upcoming Vital Records Relocation
Cook County Clerk Karen A. Yarbrough announced that her Vital Records Division will be relocating from the lower level of the Daley Center to a more user-friendly location on the… Read more
New Leaf Illinois Launched to Help Clear Cannabis Convictions
The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation (IEJF), announced the launch of New Leaf Illinois, an alliance of 20 organizations to provide free legal and advisory services to help people wipe clean… Read more
Can You Rid Yourself of 2020’s Financial Stress as We Head into 2021?
By Alan Becker Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News This year, has been a tough year for nearly everyone, and that may be especially true for retirees and those nearing retirement… Read more
Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative Paves Path for Social Justice Through Music
On Friday, October 9, the Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative (CMPI) welcomed 55 new fellows to its program, complementing the 38 returning second-year fellows. These 93 students, representing 55 zip codes from… Read more
Archdiocese of Chicago, Catholic Charities Announce Historic $20 Million COVID-19 Relief Effort
The Archdiocese of Chicago and Catholic Charities have jointly raised an historic $20 million for COVID-19 relief efforts in response to the vast needs of individuals and communities in Cook… Read more